When someone asks if you are one of those feminist types....

At the weekend, a friend of mine mentioned my Instagram account to someone at a party. They looked at me and this was their response.
Sometimes it can be tiring and frustrating to always be "ON" as the feminist in the room to be called upon at any moment to defend feminism.
As you can imagine, this happens to me ALOT!
My tips:
1) Calmly ask them why they ask and listen to their answer (don't pre-judge them).
2) Assess the situation: do you feel comfortable in this discussion? Do you want to engage? Do you think it will productive?
3) If you want to engage: bring in back up if pos, stay calm, try to recommend resources, try to see it from their point of view, challenge any myths they have around what feminism is.
4) If you don't want to engage: state that yes you are a feminist and proud then try to leave to convo, either by including back up, changing the convo or "seeing someone you know across the room". -
There is no shame in not always engaging. You don't owe anyone your emotional labour. But try to engage with people you care about at least sometimes. You might help educate someone.
I have done both of these at different times because sometimes, I just want to dance at a party!
Have you had a similar response from people? How do you deal with it?


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