Curtis and Michael, turns out the Love Island ‘Nice Guys’ aren't actually that nice
Date “nice guys” they tell us, why won’t women just give “nice guys” a chance!?
I present exhibit A: Curtis and Michael.
I will admit even I fell for it a bit, Michael and Curtis with their sweet attentiveness, emotional maturity and “we are the reasonable ones in this couple”, decent guy act.
But they have proven at Casa Amor that actually: ‘nice guys’ are the worst.
Michael and Amber seemed good together, they laughed, he doted on her, they never strayed. He broke down her barriers slowly and she opened up. They definitely had rocky moments but they seemed smitten. There were many people’s, including mine, favourite couple.
Meanwhile, Curtis and Amy were becoming the token villa ‘forever couple’. the Kem and Amber, the Jack and Dani – the mum and dad of the group, the one couple that gets together first and actually stays together the whole time. It is a guaranteed way to win over less established couples.
Amy wasn’t always popular due to her issues with Lucie, but Curtis seemed solid and dependable. He was there for her and they were “half boyfriend and girlfriend”, surely they would be the full deal soon enough?
Both boys declared that they really cared about the girls they were with, so much so that Michael was called “whipped” and ‘King of the Wet Mop Club’ for how much he doted over Amber.
Turns out neither boy was as loyal or loved up as they seemed.
I don’t think Micheal and Curtis even recognise their toxic behaviours. I don’t think any of the men in the villa really get it.
Similar to Maura and Tom, the girls in the villa can see the underlining toxic sexist behaviour, while the boys think they get away with it. I guess because society has taught them that they can.
They both “had their heads turned” as soon as the girls they had spent weeks building a connection with were out of sight, out of mind.
This is what really kills women about men who turn out to not be so nice after all, we expect that fuckbois will break our hearts and chase after a new girl. At least they are honest about it. We don’t discuss them meeting our nieces and nephews.
They don’t break down our emotional barriers.
Michael and Curtis have clearly felt the freedom to explore new relationships because they are away from accountability. Away from Amy’s hurt and Amber’s anger. There is a wealth of beautiful women to choose from and no one to immediately answer to. It shows a lack of emotional maturity and self-assurance.
It’s hard to know whether they are the easily distracted types or if they never had real feelings for the girls and simply settled for what was available at the time and spun a lie. One Amy and Amber fell for.
Amy says she is in love with Curtis (her first love!) and Amber appears to be allowing herself to be open and vulnerable for the first time.
This will crush them both, on live TV.
Don’t get me wrong, the boys have every right to be unsure about their future with the girls, they have every right to be with someone that makes them happy and they do have every right get to know new people. They are not in relationships. But it is unfair to do this to someone you care about instead of addressing the issues they clearly have with their partners head on. Michael says he has been “biting his tongue,” that isn’t the way to have a healthy relationship. He has chosen instead to re couple while did Curtis choose Amy or is he stuck with her?
Because I don’t think Jourdan likes him even a little bit. We might have forgiven Curtis if him and Jourdan had fallen head over heels (Kaz and Josh style) but to emotional cheat on Amy with someone who doesn’t even want to stick around for a chat? Unforgivable.
Why do men in the villa and so often in real life feel entitled to priority their feelings of “it wasn’t 100%” over the security and well being of the women in their life? Why do they feel entitled to explore other opportunities without considering anyone else? The key word here is entitled.
If you are full of resentment, entitlement and unkindness, you’re not actually a nice guy at all.
That right there is the problem with “nice guys”
Yewande, you called it “Michael is a heartbreaker”.
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