50 ways to live an impactful positive life everyday

 "What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make"
Jane Goodall

We all want to live more ethically, more sustainably, more positively but it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the problems in the world. Climate change, inequality, injustice, all of these problems need to be addressed by the collective rather than the individual, however that doesn't mean there are not things you do in your everyday life to have a positive impact on issues such as these. See my list below including links to get you started!
I must admit I don't always manage to do all of the ones I have listed but I try to do as many as I can as much as I can. I hope you do the same, pick a few and make a positive change in your life.
Here are 50 ways to have a positive impact everyday:  
1) Buy second hand clothes, preferably from local charity shops.
2) Buy from ethical sustainable clothing brands.
3) Wear all your clothes at least 30 times.
4) Use reusable bottles and cups.
5) Avoid single use plastic e.g. straws, packaging, plastic bags.
6) Buy locally grown, organic, seasonal food.
7) Do a good deed for someone.
8) Eat less meat and dairy, when you do buy, go for free range and local.
11) Join a union
11) Avoid microbeads.
12) Seek out make up brands and beauty products that are cruelty free, vegan, natural and organic.
13) Grow a bee friendly eco friendly garden.
15) Move your money into an ethical bank or building society.
16) Invest your pension/savings into ethical funds.
17) Buy from small local companies.
18) Reduce, recycle and reuse to reduce your waste. 
19) Look out for signs of modern slavery and report if necessary.
21) Read books and watch documentaries/ films about the social realities of the world.
22) Always vote and vote for someone who best aligns with your values. 
23) Turn off lights when you’re not using them and unplug things that aren’t being used.
24) Read the news from a variety of balanced sources.
25) Pick up rubbish when you spot it outside.
26) Donate to charity regularly, either money, blood, or resources.
27) Limit your food waste.
28) Don’t buy illegal drugs.
29) Invest in energy saving equipment.
30) Buy ethically sourced jewellery.
31) Volunteer for a charity/community project.
32) Write a letter to your local government representative about an issue you care about.
33) Attend community meetings.
34) Run for office, locally or nationally.
35) Pay your employees a living wage and benefits.
36) Insulate your home properly.
37) Reduce the temperature of your thermostat at home and install a smart metre.
38) Buy from female-owned/ black-owned businesses.
39) Mentor/support others in their ambitions.
40) Follow people on social media who have life experiences different to your own and inspire you to be a better person. 
41) Use your voice and privilege to advocate for others.
42) Be compassionate to everyone you meet.
44) Don't be a bystander to racism, sexism, bullying etc. Challenge people on their unethical beliefs/actions.
45) Acknowledge your role in an unethical system and your responsibility to challenge that system.  
46) Be friendly to those who work in the service industry and make sure they are receiving the tips.
47) Reach out to friends, family/  acquaintances who are struggling or lonely.
48) Get to know and look out for your neighbours.
49) Sign petitions on issues you care about. 
50) Attend protests on issues you care about.
Is there anything else you would add? Comment below!


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